View of the CRIFS building on a sunny day in summer, seen from the sidewalk.
Person in a lab coat picking a colony from a petri dish in a biosafety hood.
Variety of cheeses on store shelves
Mixed picture of petri dish with red colonies and micropipette tip touching golden drop.
Salami cut on a board
Two people in lab coats with masks and hairnet looking at produce and taking notes
Rows of jars of pickled vegetables
Micopipette tip with end inside a well on a clear 96-well plate.
Winter view of U of Guelph entrance looking towards Johnston Green

    CRIFS (Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety)

    Message From the Director

    Portrait of Dr. Lawrence Goodridge

    Prof. Lawrence Goodridge

    Canadian Research Chair in Foodborne Pathogen Dynamics


    • Advance the Science of Food, through cutting-edge research aimed at increasing food safety globally and nationally.
    • Train the next generation of scientists and highly qualified personnel.
    • Engage in collaborations that will benefit the industry and the consumers.


    We can provide scientific and technical support to companies that need to validate their process, demonstrate compliance with regulations, conduct shelf-life studies, troubleshoot food safety and quality issues such as pathogen control, and conduct food safety risk assessments.

    If you are looking for a partner for that special project not routinely done in your facility, CRIFS has the expertise, infrastructure and passion for science-based solutions.